Guide will provide you with real-world insights and tips from. Whether they're formal or informal, formative assessments are embedded regularly into. Studies have repeatedly shown that the sooner a student receives feedback, the more. William, Dylan. Embedded formative assessment. Solution Tree, 2011. Susan M., & Nancy D. A teacher’s guide to classroom assessment: understanding and using. Assessment to improve student learning. Webinars, and sample chapters, study guides, and author interviews from. ASCD publications. 53 Ways to Check for.
No notes for slide• • • We have had a lot of requests for curriculum. • • • It matters very much which classrooms you’re in It is a lottery system – How often do you think we get requests for certain teachers?Have any of you requested a different teacher as a parent or a staff member in this district?It should not be a lottery system – a kid should be getting the same high quality instruction up and down these halls. I believe it is about building capacity within – We have to get better! - Teachers are doing the best that they know how. Most critical difference is simply the quality of the teacher74 percent of the variation in achievement of 15 year olds in the US is within schools • Education can compensate for society provided it is of high quality.
19 – Review • Teachers are doing the best they know how. The goal should be proficiency for all, excellence for many, with all student groups fairly represented in the excellent. We are not going replace existing teachers with better ones. We need to improve the quality of teachers already in the profession • Pretty morbid die or retire.
No teacher is so good – or so bad – that he or she cannot improve. • Teachers should not try to fit their teaching to each child’s style, but rather that they should become aware of different styles. Brain – Based Education may not be there yet. Increasing subject knowledge does not lead to increased student achievement. There is much more to good teaching than knowing the subject. • • Assessment is so key to the learning processStudents do not learn what we teach, if they did we would not need to keep gradebooks, instead we could just record what we taught. What students learn as a result of our instruction is unpredictable.